Well, it's been quite a while since I've written on this blog and that is because I haven't been traveling! My job at Drake is amazing, but now we're on spring break so I'm taking advantage of the opportunity and traveling in England. I've been long overdue for a visit to my friend Maria in London, so here I am!
As I type I am sitting in a library using free internet in London. My trip has started out quiet adventurously... as I was boarding the plane I realized I didn't have a phone number or complete address for Maria, just knew the underground station we were supposed to meet at!
So, after getting off my flight at Heathrow airport in London, I got on the Underground on Picadilly line to Wood Green. I waited and never saw Maria... because she was trying to call me on my cell phone which wasn't working here :) Started brainstormin plan B- I saw a sign for a library, which in my mind always means help! So went and grabbed a coffee while I waited for an hour and a half for the library to open. Good thing by luggage was delayed so I didn't have to carry around my 40lb rolling bag! I just hope my clothes arrive this afternoon like they're supposed to.
Now, I have arrived at Maria's apartment. It was a bit like a secret mission getting here... after I got to the library, I was able to chat with Maria online and she let me know the house keys were under the first trash can in front of the house. Can't wait for more fun to come...after I take a nap!
HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY FORGET THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
btw did you get my reply through text? or do you want me to facebook msg the reply?
hey!! I am so excited for you! We have not talked in so long this is such a wonderful suprise! Hope you have an amazing time! Love ginger
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